Народный университет

Центр иностранных языков

Народный Университет

8 (816 2) 60-30-12

Великий Новгород, ул. Завокзальная, 3

Великий Новгород, ул. Большая Московская, 122


Velikiy Novgorod is considered to be the oldest town in Russia, and even the birthplace of Russia as we know it! The centre of this historical goldmine is the Kremlin, which is also the oldest in Russia, and contains the beautiful Cathedral of Saint Sophia, the oldest one to be still in use. As well of this, the Kremlin is home to the famous ‘Millennium of Russia’ monument, which is incredibly interesting in itself.

Outside the centre there is also much to see however, for example the ‘Vitoslavlitsy’ wooden village, which displays preserved traditional wooden buildings, showing how Russians lived in years gone by. Throughout the town and surrounding areas there are a further 50 or so churche, allowing for plenty of sightseeing.

The town itself is the perfect environment in which to learn a language. With a population of only around 250,000, you won’t be overwhelmed at all, and finding your way around is not at all difficult. There are plenty of things to do apart from sightseeing, and if it’s your first time in Russia, you certainly won’t be bored!

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